How to remove a facial moustache?

depilation of the moustache

Although facial hair is usually the preserve of men, it sometimes appears in a softer version on women too. This is the moustache, which stands out from the face and is particularly visible under the sun. It is important to know that in order to remove a facial moustache, the hair under the nose should not be eliminated with a razor - the blade does not remove the roots and [...]

How to look good without make-up?

how to look good without make-up

How to look good without make-up? Every one of us would like to look good without make-up. The effect of a fresh complexion cannot be achieved with any foundation. Skin imperfections stand in the way of naturalness, which we prefer to mask for our own comfort. In summer, it is difficult to put on nice make-up. High temperatures fuel sebum production and the pores on the face become clogged and look [...].

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