
Weight loss treatments - how do you prepare for them?

laser lipolysis

Laser lipolysis is one of the most effective weight loss treatments. Fat tissue is reduced by irradiating the body with the laser of a special device. At Wellclnic, we use Fotona Dynamis Sp Pro equipment - the best device on the market, which guarantees maximum satisfaction from the treatment. Laser lipolysis is a safe method, however, as with any aesthetic medicine procedure, one should [...].

Is it possible to slim down the face? Ways to slim cheeks and jawline

Facial slimming - is it possible?

We can observe changes in the skin tissues on the face for many reasons. Sometimes the face visually enlarges as the whole body gains weight. It is not necessary to explain to anyone why the body stores fat and gets fatter - it is influenced by a bad diet, lack of physical activity and possible diseases that slow down the metabolism. However, what to do [...]

How to lose weight in a month? The best method for weight loss

How to lose weight in a month? The best method for weight loss

There are times in life when we need a sudden metamorphosis, because we are preparing for an important event or simply lack change. Changes in appearance usually concern hair or weight. Neglect leads to an increase in weight, which bothers us for many reasons, if only aesthetic. How to lose weight quickly? Weight reduction can be achieved by many means - diet, exercise or medical [...].

Why does the face swell?

Why does the face swell? A swollen face

A swollen face is a problem that can spoil the mood for the whole day. The phenomenon affects many people, not only women but also men. It is said that the face swells due to improper positioning during sleep. However, this is a misleading statement - facial swelling can be caused by problems with different underlying causes. So where does facial swelling come from and [...].

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