Angiology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of vascular and lymphatic diseases. At Wellclinic, we use the Fotona Dynamis Sp Pro laser to treat and remove broken blood vessels. The treatment is performed by a specialised doctor. The treatment is very safe and does not require a period of convalescence. After the treatment, you can return to your daily activities.
Wellclinic brings together the best doctors, cosmetologists and clinical nutritionists to achieve health and youthfulness in you.
Discover the Secret of Longevity at Wellclinic Warsaw and Gdansk
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tel: +48 600-100-177
Wellclinic Warsaw
ul. Kolejowa 49a/lok U9
01-210 Warsaw
Wellclinic Gdansk
23/U5 Walowa St.
80-858 Gdansk
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