Needle mesotherapy of the scalp is a treatment in the field of aesthetic medicine. It involves the injection of nutrients, minerals and vitamins directly into the deep layers of the scalp. The doctor or cosmetologist uses special fine needles for this purpose in order to minimise the sensation for the patient as much as possible. The aim of the needle mesotherapy treatment is to improve the condition of the hair, making it thicker and stronger. This method can be used as part of a combination therapy in treatment of alopecia.
A key element Needle mesotherapy of the head are specialised ampoules, containing preparations selected directly to the individual needs of the patient. Their composition includes such active substances as hyaluronic acid, peptides, exosomes, biotin and vitamins.
Who is needle mesotherapy of the head for? This solution is particularly recommended for those who face the challenge of excessive hair loss, hair weakening and thinning caused by various factors. Among them: weakening of the roots, external factors, improper care and even androgenetic alopecia.
The effects of scalp needle mesotherapy can vary depending on the individual patient's predisposition. They usually include hair strengthening, growth stimulation and reduction of hair loss. The result can be an increase in hair density and volume.
Needle mesotherapy stimulates not only the hair, but also the scalp. Patients can also see results such as an improvement in its hydration and the elimination of skin problems. The results of the treatment are usually visible after several sessions. However, the effectiveness of needle mesotherapy will depend on the type of preparation used, its adaptation to the needs of the patient and the individual reaction of the body. A medical or cosmetological consultation prior to the procedure is crucial.
The price of needle mesotherapy can vary depending on the city, the clinic where the treatment is performed and the preparations used. The final cost will depend on how long the treatment is required for optimal results. It may require from 1 to several sessions. Needle mesotherapy of the scalp is often part of a combination therapy with the use of other technologies such as laser therapy. It should be borne in mind that such a solution may produce more beneficial results, however, its cost, will be higher than a single treatment. It is also worth taking into account the fact that the price of needle mesotherapy in Warsaw, Gdańsk and other large cities, may differ from those outside the metropolis.
Opinions on scalp needle mesotherapy are generally positive. Patients appreciate its positive effects on the condition of their hair. They often notice their strengthening, reduced hair loss and faster growth of new hair. Some patients may be bothered by the sensation during scalp puncturing. It is therefore crucial to choose the right specialist who is experienced in this type of treatment.
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In order to minimise the negative reaction even further and to promote the healing process and ensure the best possible result from the treatment, it is advisable to follow the recommendations:
Remember - regardless of the measures used - swelling is a natural reaction of the body to the injection. It is not an indicator of a medical condition and should disappear within a few days. Consultation is advisable if the swelling lasts longer than 2-3 days and there are concomitant symptoms of inflammation, i.e. significant redness, soreness and increase in temperature of the affected tissues.
Remember - you will achieve the best visual results if you do not delay the 'maintenance' treatment. In the case of mesotherapy, we recommend another treatment in 2-4 weeks.
The first effect is noticeable two weeks after the first treatment, the final effect after more than two months.
The treatment is classified as moderate sensation. It all depends on the patient's tolerance to pain.
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