Laser hair removal involves the removal of unwanted hair using a laser light beam that penetrates deep into the skin, destroying the hair bulb along with its roots. Laser hair removal effectively gets rid of unwanted hair and prevents ingrown hairs and inflammation.
Wellclinic brings together the best doctors, cosmetologists and clinical nutritionists to achieve health and youthfulness in you.
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The first effect can be noticed after just one treatment. The hair becomes weaker and starts to fall out. During one series, it is possible to remove up to 30% of hair from a given treatment area. The best results can be obtained after completing a series of 5-8 treatments. Hair do not grow back even for several years. The effect is permanent and only one booster treatment per year is needed.
The treatment is comfortable and completely painless thanks to the state-of-the-art TEC Thermo Electric Cooling system, which minimises the treatment sensation. It is a system that allows maximum cooling of the laser head even to -8 degrees.
The treated skin should not be tanned for approximately 4 weeks. It is recommended to additionally protect the skin with a protective cream with UVA/UVB filter. Hot baths, saunas and swimming pools should be avoided for a few days after laser hair removal. No scrubs or alcohol-based irritants should be used on the epilated skin.
tel: +48 600-100-177
Wellclinic Warsaw
ul. Kolejowa 49a/lok U9
01-210 Warsaw
Wellclinic Gdansk
23/U5 Walowa St.
80-858 Gdansk
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