Nasolabial furrows are depressions in the skin texture extending across the face from the corners of the mouth to the nose. Wrinkles are caused by the body's natural ageing processes. As a result of reduced production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, facial skin sags and droops. Nasolabial furrows appear in both men and women. Daily care, prevention and deep conditioning of the skin can slow down their formation. When the wrinkles around the mouth become so visible that they cause adverse changes in the appearance of the face, specialist help is required. Nasolabial furrows can be shallowed and smoothed at the Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine through the use of modern laser and Hi-tech technologies. To achieve an immediate effect of filling in the furrows, one can choose to inject a hyaluronic acid-based preparation deep into the skin. The effects of hyaluronic acid fillers last from a few to several months.
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