Pox scars are small depressions in the skin that can be a permanent side effect of the disease. To reduce scars, advanced technologies are used to stimulate the skin to regenerate and smooth its surface. Fractional laser therapy, involves creating micro-damage in the skin, helps to rebuild healthy tissue and stimulates collagen production. Micro-needle radiofrequency works by combining two technologies: micro-puncture and radiofrequency (radiofrequency energy). This treatment is effective in improving skin texture, elasticity and reducing scars. Pox scars, especially those that are atrophic, or sunken, can be difficult to remove. RF micro-needling helps to even out these scars by: regenerating the skin - stimulation of collagen production helps to rebuild the tissue in the scar areas, improving skin texture and filling in depressions. Skin smoothing - the heat from the radiofrequency waves firms the skin, improves skin texture and evens out the surface of scars. Reducing the visibility of scars - the effect of a series of treatments is to gradually improve the appearance of scars, making them less visible. It is important to remember that the choice of technology used to reduce smallpox scars is up to the specialist. Therefore, an important step before starting treatment is to consult and adapt the method of action to the medical indications, as well as the patient's expectations.
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