
Brazilian buttocks and slender thighs

Discount 20% only until 20.02

Combination therapy with individual consultation!

Body Sculpt

You are transforming not only your appearance but also your mood. You look stunning and are happy to show off your legs.

You don't waste time with ineffective therapies. 

Brazilian buttocks and slender thighs without cellulite can be achieved in one visit to Wellclinic!

How you will change your life by buttock lift and thigh shaping in Wellclinic?

  • Highlight buttock linemake them into an attractive shape
  • Remove fatty tissue from thighs and breeches
  • Smooth and tighten the skin your thighs and buttocks
  • Show off your cellulite-free legs and buttocks
  • Look stunning for an important upcoming event
  • Transform your look
  • Don't waste your time with ineffective methods just have an immediate effect

Our effects after 1 treatment visible in the photos

Customer reviews Wellclinic - ul. Kolejowa 49a/U9 Warsaw

Comfort of treatment:


Number of recommended treatments:

1 - 4 treatments

Technologies used:

RF Monopolar + Shockwave +HIFEM

Treatment time:

40 - 90 min

Booking an appointment at Wellclinic - 49a/U9 Kolejowa St. Warsaw


every 3 to 7 days

Areas of application:

thighs, buttocks, breeches

Book an appointment and enjoy slender thighs and firm buttocks

Fantastic opportunities comprehensive action.

Lift of the buttocks, modelling the thighs and treatment of cellulite in a single visit. The world's first combination that comprehensively, painless and period-free convalescence will allow you to model thighs and buttocks. Synergistic combination three technologies in two treatments during one visits!

Spectacular "Brazilian buttocks" quickly and painlessly.

Firm buttocks They catch the eye and guarantee a sense of self-confidence. Lift of the buttocks in a spectacular, visible way can require time and many sacrifices. The shortcut, or surgery, guarantees brazilian buttocks immediately, often at the expense of pain, a period of convalescence and sometimes complications. With Wellclinic you will lift your buttocks quickly and painlessly. 

Delightful slender thighs without cellulite.

Rapid effects in the reduction of even severe and moderate cellulite with simultaneous elimination of fat tissue. Made possible by an innovative combination of 2 ultra-modern technologies in 1 applicator.

What method is used to achieve this effect?

Scientists are moving forward all the time and have proven that the most effective in the fight against cellulite and fatty tissue are: monopolar radio waveudirected acoustic wave. It is the synchronised delivery of thermal and mechanical energy that produces the structural changes in the tissue that are necessary to achieve rapid and lasting results. The most important thing, however, was not only combination of 2 waves in a single applicator, and also that the sensation during the treatment is painless, and that the client is happy to give positive feedback. This is how the latest BTL's Unison. Current unique and inimitable such device worldwide.

World's first connection that allows painless and period-free convalescence
model thighs and buttocks.

Are you ready for ultra-fast effect increase in muscle mass while reducing body fat?

Silhouette recomposition with the most powerful technology on the market.

Synergistic combination three technologies in two treatments during one visits!

Price of thigh and buttock lift at Wellclinic

Discount 20% only until 20.02

    Treatment area 1 TREATMENT 4 TREATMENTS
Combination therapy: Unison thighs + Body Sculpt buttocks 2700 PLN 1490 PLN 10080 PLN 4990 PLN

Book an appointment and enjoy slender thighs and firm buttocks

What is the procedure like?

The treatment consists of two stages:

1. Fat and cellulite reduction on thighs and buttocks

Qualified cosmetologist He will apply a gentle conductive gel to your clean skin. He will then apply the head of the device emitting the radio waves and acoustic waves. It will make gentle, circular movements during which the applicator tip will maintain contact with the skin tissues, warming them and mobilising them to firming and slimming

You will feel a gentle vibrations and heat, reminiscent of a warm stone massage. Optimum temperature for the treatment: 40-45 degrees Celsius will be reached in just 90 seconds from the start of the procedure. This is important because all the remaining time will be used to effective stimulation of tissue remodelling.

The duration of the treatment is approximately 20-40 minutes.

2. building up the gluteal muscles

The second part of the procedure takes place in a comfortable lying position on the treatment bed. After interview and the aim of the therapy is set individual procedure treatment. It is a proprietary selection of parameters developed by a staff of cosmetologists, personal trainers and figure sports athletes. 

Our experience is of paramount importance due to the fact that everyone has a different level of body fat and percentage of muscle mass. Normally, the treatment lasts 30 minutes and consists of several stages that are intertwined. The first stage - regeneration - is a series of rapid rhythmic contractions. The second stage - hypertrophy - is constant muscle tension lasting up to 20 seconds.

After 30 minutes It is a good idea to drink a protein shake in order to amino acid supplementationof which muscles are composed. Such shakes always we offer free of charge after treatment at Wellclinic.

W WellClinic This treatment is always preceded by a detailed health history of the patient and the exclusion of possible contraindications. The skin is then cleansed and disinfected. 

Shaping the female figure - shaping the thighs and buttocks
Body Sculpt treatment - building muscle tissue on the buttocks
Unison thigh treatment - thigh modelling and slimming

Make an appointment for Brazilian buttocks and slender thighs treatment

What results do thigh and buttock treatments give?

  • The effects are almost immediate.
  • The buttocks take on an attractive appearance, improving the buttock line and shape.
  • Skin tone and texture are improved.
  • The first visible results are immediately after treatment.
  • Clinical studies show that the best results are achieved after 3-4 treatments eliminating cellulite and reducing thigh circumferences at the same time enlarging the buttocks.
Brazilian buttocks lift

Modelling advantage thighs and buttocks in Wellclinic

  • A small number of treatments to achieve the desired effect: 1-4 treatments.
  • The treatment is pleasant to feel, with a sensation of warmth during the procedure.
  • Treatment time and location Wellclinic allows you to pop in during your lunch break.
  • No recovery period.
  • Growing the need for a beautiful and slender appearance.
  • Highly effective treatment giving patient satisfaction.
  • Ultra-modern technology.
  • Objectively proven effectiveness (clinical trials, FDA certification).
  • Safety.

Price list for thigh and buttock shaping at Wellclinic

Discount 20% only until 20.02

    Treatment area 1 TREATMENT 4 TREATMENTS
Combination therapy: Unison thighs + Body Sculpt buttocks 2700 PLN 1490 PLN 10080 PLN 4990 PLN

Make an appointment for thigh shaping treatment
and buttocks in Wellclinic

Frequently asked questions

  • Remember not to perform deep peels or ablative treatments on the area you intend to treat with the BTL UNISON® device for 3 months prior to treatment.
  • Start hydrating your body two days before the procedure. Make sure you drink 2-3 litres of water a day.
  • On the day of the treatment, wear comfortable and casual clothing; such clothing will make the treatment easier to perform.
  • You will be asked to remove your jewellery.
  • The treatment area should be hair-free; we recommend shaving thoroughly before the procedure.

BTL's research has shown that for optimum results, a series of 4 treatments should be carried out, preferably at weekly intervals, also acceptable every 3-10 days. This is a very short treatment compared to other series dedicated to the body, where up to 10 treatments are recommended to get rid of imperfections. However, if the problem is advanced (e.g. advanced cellulite), you must expect additional treatments to be recommended.

The effects are usually visible after the first treatment.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Inflammation at the treatment site
  • Cancer
  • Liver and kidney failure
  • Unregulated diabetes
  • Blood coagulation disorders
  • Metal implants, pacemaker
  • Epilepsy
  • Vitiligo and psoriasis
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Varicose veins
  • Tuberculosis
  • Topical corticosteroid treatment
  • Acne rosacea, eczema
  • Acute neuralgia and neuropathy
  • Isotretinoin treatment during the year before surgery
  • Radiotherapy
  • Treatment site burn
  • Ablative or non-ablative cosmetic interventions (deep peeling) in the last 3 months
  • Active collagen diseases
  • Persons under 18 years of age
  • Blood disorders, risk of bleeding, bleeding tissues, peptic ulcers
  • Conditions with fever
  • Prominent oedema, ascites or exudate

For its effectiveness, we rate the treatment as very comfortable compared to other similar treatments. Only heat and gentle vibrations are felt. As the treatment does not require convalescence, you can return to your daily activities immediately afterwards. As a result, this treatment can even be performed on a break from work.

Your skin will be red for a while at the treatment site. This means that the tissues have reached the right temperature and the intensive slimming and firming process has begun in your body. The erythema will only last for a few dozen minutes. And this is completely normal. Continue to hydrate for 4 days after your treatment, drinking a minimum of 2 litres of water every day. This will give you better results, your body will get rid of the released fat and toxins faster. Your skin may be dry after the treatment, moisturise with a standard body lotion. You will be told about this at the clinic. In rare cases, you may experience slight itching of the skin and, in susceptible people, small haematomas or petechiae, which disappear after a few days.

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