
Krzysztof Reinhard

Managing Director

Polish Champion, European Bodybuilding Championships finalist, Master class personal trainer, co-owner and medical director Wellclinic. The author of the guide "Secrets of a healthy figure".. He gained his knowledge in Poland and in the USA, learning from the best PRO league coaches in the world such as Neil Hill and George Farah. In the USA, he also learnt how to combine body shaping equipment and health-promoting knowledge.

Author of the slogan "It is health that always wins". 

His biggest dream was to give the weight loss effect to everyone regardless of genetics giving hope and courage to change one's life starting with the body, which is the temple of the soul.

Over the past two years, his proprietary clinic has become one of the the most popular places in Poland in the field of body modelling and aesthetic medicine. Wellclinic supports more than 800 patients each month. It is worth noting that figure sports athletes have become frequent patients, who have become convinced of Christopher's innovative approach thanks to the spectacular results.

However, the greatest success is helping everyone regardless of age, gender or geneticsbecause every one of us started out once, and every one of us should receive the help that they make possible state-of-the-art medical equipment technology.

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