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Why does the face swell?

Why does the face swell?

Why does the face swell? A swollen face

A swollen face is a problem that can spoil the mood for the whole day. The phenomenon affects many people, not only women but also men. It is said that the face swells due to improper positioning during sleep. However, this is a misleading statement - facial swelling can be caused by problems with different underlying causes. So where does facial swelling come from and how to get back to the slim face?

Facial swelling - what does it mean?

The face gets swollen most often as soon as you wake up. It is caused by excessive water accumulation under the skin, which indicates dehydration. How to get back to slim faceThe daily fluid intake should be more than 2 litres of water, so to negate swelling, it is worth replenishing daily. Puffiness can also be caused by poor eating habits. An unhealthy and overly salty diet or drinking too much alcohol can lead to ill health and the puffiness discussed on the face.

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Is facial swelling a symptom of disease?

A swollen face can also be associated with hormone-related diseases. In women, swelling is often observed before menstruation or during menstruation. Sometimes it is also due to thyroid problems, so if the problem persists (despite salt restriction and increasing the amount of water in the diet), it is worth seeing an endocrinologist immediately. This is not a cause for fear - in the worst case scenario, the doctor prescribes appropriate medication to regulate the body's hormonal balance. 

Is the face getting fatter?

In many cases, facial changes can be the result of weight gain. In this respect, it is worth modifying your daily diet. Due to a lack of time during the day, it is easy to fall into a vicious circle and satisfy our hunger with fast but high-calorie food. Then, even if we don't eat much, we can quickly put on weight, especially if we don't lead a physically active lifestyle. It is a good idea to choose foods that accumulate water - these are mainly vegetables and fruit, but also rice or groats instead of pasta. An alternative method is also laser lipolysis, a medical procedure aesthetic body slimming.

Swelling on the face 

If you wake up with a swollen face you should familiarise yourself with home remedies that can help reduce swelling temporarily. These include facial massages, chamomile compresses and cooling products. None of the methods are time-consuming - they are excellent methods for a quick home spa to bring the body into balance. If the reason for an enlarged face is not puffiness but overweight, fatty tissue can be quickly eliminated by aesthetic medicine methods.


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