Why does cellulite occur in thin people?
Although people who struggle with excess body fat are most prone to cellulite, this does not mean that the problem only affects overweight and obese people. Orange peel can also appear in slim and athletic people in the form of water cellulite. Where does it come from?
Water cellulite occur mainly as a result of problems with blood and lymph microcirculation and an increase in the amount of water in the body. They can be a consequence of changes in hormonal management during the menstrual cycle, as well as the effect of a sodium-rich diet.
These result in the retention of excess water and toxins in the subcutaneous tissue. Lumps, swellings and puffiness appear. Water cellulite is often not visible to the naked eye. Unevenness only appears when the skin is folded. A common cause of cellulite in slim people is not only a poor diet, but also lack of exercise and sedentary work.
How can cellulite be got rid of in people with a slim physique?
To fight cellulite in thin people, it is worthwhile to ensure a proper diet and regular physical activity. In the early stages of cellulite, even home remedies can produce positive results. Effective in the fight against cellulite will be the stimulation of proper blood and lymph circulation. At home, we can do this by alternately pouring warm and cold water over the affected area or by applying a massage. To reduce the appearance of cellulite, it is also worth taking care to moisturise and firm the skin. With specialised lotions and creams used regularly, the skin becomes firmer and cellulite less visible.
When cellulite is more advanced, home remedies may prove ineffective. At such a point, it is worth trusting the Specialists and using aesthetic medicine treatments.
Is cellulite reduction possible in slim people?
Permanent removal of cellulite in slim people is made possible by using a combination of the most effective technologies. Aesthetic medicine clinics use various types of therapies for the elimination of cellulite. Among them: mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage, endermologie or ultrasound.
How we do it at Wellclinic, for best results? To treat cellulite of any type and degree, we use an innovative platform Unison. Permanent removal of cellulite from the thighs or buttocks is made possible by combining two effective technologies in a single device operating at the same time: monopolar radiofrequency and targeted acoustic wave. Want to find out how we do it? Check it out!