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Best ways to lose weight after 40

Best ways to lose weight after 40

Best ways to lose weight after 40

Many women in their 40s notice significant changes in their bodily functions. These include a slower metabolism. Although we eat the same and function in the same way, weight involuntarily increases. Why is this happening? Are there effective ways to slimming in your forties?

Why do we gain weight more easily as we age?

As we age, the metabolism. Slowing down makes it difficult for us to lose weight with our current lifestyle. In many cases, hormonal problems also play a role. Despite the obstacles, it is also possible to look great in your 40s and beyond and successfully reduce weight. All you have to do is remember a few rules that support the process of losing weight after 40. First and foremost, exercise should be incorporated into your routine - movement is crucial for our mental condition, in addition to burning calories.

Lactose - something to avoid when losing weight

As we get older - as early as our forties - the digestive tract stops working at high speed. This is when problems with digestion begin, mainly of lactose. It is therefore worth eliminating, or at least limiting, the eating of products with lactose (classic dairy products) - it won't hurt, as there are plenty of lactose-free substitutes on the market.

Heavily digestible foods are opponents of the diet

When talking about digestive problems, it is worth mentioning hard-to-digest foods (fried and fatty dishes). As thorough digestion becomes quite a challenge for the body with age, it is worth sparing yourself this. Cutting down on fatty foods makes an immediate difference - your mood and your weight score will improve.

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Glycaemic index for weight loss

When losing weight, the glycaemic index of the meals we eat is irrelevant. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of products with a high GI, i.e. white bread, sweets, sweetened drinks, processed foods. Instead, introduce plenty of groats and vegetables into your diet.

Diets after 40 recommended by nutritionists

If these changes do not help, it is time to think about a specific diet, which it would be good to choose together with a specialist. If the problem is large (overweight, obesity) - an excellent solution would be to use the offer of aesthetic medicine. A reduction in waist circumference can be the motivation that drives us to continue losing weight. The quick effect strengthens our resolve to maintain a nice figure. A recommended method is laser liposuction.

The fast way to lose weight: laser liposuction

Laser at laser liposuction Deals with fatty tissue in as little as 45 minutes. The treatment is painless and there is no need to undergo convalescence afterwards. During the first visit, you can lose up to 12 cm in waistline, remove fat from the abdomen, flanks, thighs. The skin after liposuction is not saggy, but nicely tightened and firmed.

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Wellclinic has ultra-modern equipment that is unrivalled in Poland. Suffice it to mention the latest model of Foton laser, which we have equipped with a dedicated anaesthetic system, thanks to which slimming or endolifting are completely painless. Our specialists effectively remove even active acne, hyperpigmentation, capillaries, scars, stretch marks and much more.
Further technologies include second-generation HIFU used for, among other things, slimming and tightening flabby skin. Prime3D laser, which makes hair removal not only easy and fast, but more permanent and, thanks to TEC technology, painless.

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