
Chemical peeling

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Professional and safe chemical peeling Warsaw

One of the most popular aesthetic medicine treatments is the chemical peel. Thanks to its exfoliating action, it stimulates the skin to accelerated regeneration. In this way, it not only has a purifying effect, but also an anti-ageing and revitalising effect. Unlike mechanical peeling, which uses abrasive particles, chemical peeling involves the use of active ingredients with exfoliating properties. These include acids that react with the skin. Their concentration is adjusted to suit the skin type and the desired effect. The main advantage of chemical peeling over mechanical peeling is its long-term, in-depth effect. Many people choose chemical peeling to get rid of unsightly scars and skin discolouration.

A chemical peel tailored to your skin's needs

For those who are interested in chemical peeling, Warsaw is an excellent location for WellClinic services. In our offer we have peels with diverse effects:

PRX - It is a medical device. Its purpose is multilevel biorevitalisation of the skin. By reaching deep into the skin, it stimulates regenerative processes. It improves skin density and reduces scars and discolouration. It enables visible rejuvenation effects without the use of needles. 

A special gel is applied to the skin in layers. Its composition is based on TCA acid, kojic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Importantly, the treatment does not cause visible peeling of the skin. It can be used all year round without the risk of irritation or hypersensitivity.

TCA - is based on trichloroacetic acid, an active organic substance. It effectively eliminates blemishes and scars, such as those caused by acne. By deeply exfoliating the skin, it induces cell renewal. It has a smoothing and rejuvenating effect. Noticeable effects after TCA treatment also include an improvement in skin firmness and a reduction in wrinkles.

Imagine a life of perfect health, full of inner strength.

Health, youth and relaxation in the best aesthetic medicine clinic in Warsaw.

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