HIFU II - HIPRO technology performs treatments with ABSOLUTE painlessness. What you can achieve with the treatment: improving skin tone: arms, buttocks, thighs, tightening flabby skin on the abdomen, tightening and making the skin on the knees more elastic, reducing the circumference and removing fat tissue, thickening and firming the skin after weight loss, including after pregnancy, and reducing the appearance of stretch marks.
Wellclinic brings together the best doctors, cosmetologists and clinical nutritionists to achieve health and youthfulness in you.
Discover the Secret of Longevity at Wellclinic Warsaw and Gdansk
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You don't have to prepare specially for the 2nd generation HIFU treatment.
However, if you are taking anti-inflammatory drugs, these should be discontinued before the procedure. Their effects may impair the effectiveness of the procedure.
Also refrain from consuming alcohol for 48 hours before the procedure.
On the day of treatment, avoid direct exposure to the sun and high temperatures. Refrain from using the sauna, solarium or steam bath.
Before the HIFU II treatment, it is also a good idea to ensure that the body is properly hydrated to achieve even better lifting results.
With HIPRO, you get the immediate effect of a slight lifting at the SMAS level, representing a
the foundation of the skin. You will have to wait 2-3 months for the actual lifting, tightening and rejuvenating effect of the skin. During this time, regenerative processes take place in the treatment area, creating new collagen fibres. You will notice an increasing firming and tightening of the skin during this time.
At Wellclinic, the HIFU treatment is completely painless! HIPRO V, which we use at Wellclinic, is an innovative technology - HIFU of the second generation. Unlike commonly used devices, it enables precise setting of parameters, wave depths as low as every 0.5 millimetres. Their precise adjustment not only to the treatment area, but above all to the individual conditions of the Patient, means that the risk of tissue overheating, burning and discomfort is excluded.
Generation II HIFU does not require a period of convalescence. You can return to your daily life immediately after the procedure. However, a few recommendations must be followed:
Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs for approximately one month - they inhibit the regeneration process and the creation of new collagen fibres caused by the inflammation caused by the HIFU. They may weaken the effects of the treatment carried out.
Do not use scrubs or irritating cosmetics on the treated area for approximately one week.
Refrain from physical exercise for approximately 24 hours.
tel: +48 600-100-177
Wellclinic Warsaw
ul. Kolejowa 49a/lok U9
01-210 Warsaw
Wellclinic Gdansk
23/U5 Walowa St.
80-858 Gdansk
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