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How much does it cost to cleanse my complexion with a chemical peel?

How much does it cost to cleanse my complexion with a chemical peel?

Chemical peeling facial treatment

Taking care of one's complexion is synonymous with well-being and higher self-esteem. Where ordinary care fails, aesthetic medicine treatments help. Rejuvenating treatments include chemical peelingwhich is recommended not only by people with acne-prone skin

Chemical peeling - what does it involve?

One of the chemical peels performed at Wellclinic is TCA. This is a bio-revitalising cocktail, which - in addition to trichloroacetic acid (TCA) - includes mandelic acid and kojic acid. It is worth mentioning that it is one of the more potent preparations and is effective in removal of discolouration, smoothing and shallowing fine wrinkles and acne scars. The chemical peel strongly and deeply złreats the skin, leaving it regenerated, brightened and rejuvenated. The treatment requires no preparation and the skin may only be slightly red after the treatment itself.

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Peeling for hyperpigmentation - does it work?

The TCA chemical peel works well for people with skin pigmentation and seborrhoea problems. Clinics also recommend peeling for people with acne scars. A chemical peel is recommended for grey skin that lacks radiance. It is worth mentioning that the treatment eliminates the first facial wrinkles and can be done at any age.

How much does a blemish peel cost?

One cleansing treatment takes about 20 minutes. This short time is enough to make the skin look much better. The peel tightens the skin and creates the impression of denser tissue. After treatment, pores shrink and clear up - blackheads are no longer visible. Acne scars, on the other hand, are significantly shallowed. One chemical peeling treatment for the face at Wellclinic costs 320 zł. For three peeling treatments, we will pay only 900 zł. It is worth adding that the effect is already visible after a single application of the acid and, in many cases, no further treatment is needed.

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Wellclinic is a modern medical clinic whose mission is to provide comprehensive care for our clients. We care not only about appearance, but also about the well-being and health of those who come to us.
Wellclinic has ultra-modern equipment that is unrivalled in Poland. Suffice it to mention the latest model of Foton laser, which we have equipped with a dedicated anaesthetic system, thanks to which slimming or endolifting are completely painless. Our specialists effectively remove even active acne, hyperpigmentation, capillaries, scars, stretch marks and much more.
Further technologies include second-generation HIFU used for, among other things, slimming and tightening flabby skin. Prime3D laser, which makes hair removal not only easy and fast, but more permanent and, thanks to TEC technology, painless.

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