
Laser depilation

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Whole body from 790 zł!

laser depilation

Painless thanks to the latest "In Motion" technology and "TEC" Thermo-electric cooling,
3x faster and more lasting effects confirmed by clinical studies and FDA certified.

What can you achieve with the treatment?

  • smooth and shiny skin after just a few treatments
  • no ingrown hairs anymore after the 2nd treatment
  • an end to inflammation of the hair follicles
  • even 30% less hair after the first treatment

Laser hair removal can be fun!

You choose laser hair removal Prime 3D - you are assured of using state-of-the-art technology.
By combining in one device permanent operation of 3 lasers with different wavelengths: 755 nm, 808 nm, 1064 nm
the effects are 3x faster and more durable.

Painless and permanent laser hair removal - Prime 3D laser - Warsaw, Poland
Customer reviews Wellclinic - ul. Kolejowa 49a/U9 Warsaw

Comfort of treatment:


Number of recommended treatments:

4 - 6 treatments

Technologies used:

Prime 3D, Linscan

Treatment time:

15 - 30 min

Booking an appointment at Wellclinic - 49a/U9 Kolejowa St. Warsaw


every 5 - 8 weeks

Areas of application:

whole body

Make an appointment for laser hair removal treatment

What method is used to achieve this effect?

Laser depilation these days can be performed with various lasers: home, IPL, diode, alexandrite, Nd: Yag. The devices differ often what we care most about - effectiveness

Depilation home laser You can do it once every 4 weeks. After a few repetitions you will probably notice the effect. However, the power of this device is not strong enough to achieve a lasting smooth skin effect, you must repeat the treatment regularly and continuously. Depilation with the home laser requires a great deal of time. At the same time, the lack of contact cooling means that it is often accompanied by painful sensations

Diode lasers available in cosmetology practices are not always of good quality. Often they are simply cheap or old equipmentwhose effectiveness leaves much to be desired. 

At Wellclinic you are assured that the treatment is performed the new 2023 laser, at the top end of the price range. Its effectiveness is confirmed by hundreds of satisfied, returning patients. 

It is also worth noting that, in order to obtain a full effectiveness depilation of a given area, with the popular Light S. technology, 8-10 repetitions should be performed, while Prime 3D 5-8 repetitions are sufficient to achieve the same effect. 

Additionally Prime 3D stands out with its TEC Thermo Electric Cooling system, thanks to which we can make painless depilation. It is a system that allows maximum cooling of the laser head even to -8 degrees. However, the greatest advantages of this laser are 3 waves of different lengths to reach every hair type. 

Decide for yourself which laser you would like to have hair removal performed with.

Treatment film

Price list for laser hair removal in Wellclinic

Discount to 40% only until 10.03

Whole body from 790 zł!

     Treatment area     1 procedure     5 + 1 treatments
Small batch100 PLN 200 PLN450 PLN 1200 PLN
Medium batch250 PLN 500 PLN990 PLN 3000 PLN
Large batch400 PLN 700 PLN1590 PLN 4200 PLN
Whole body790 PLN 1500 PLN3990 PLN 9000 PLN
Legs + Underarms + Bikini, As a gift: Legs + Bikini650 PLN 1200 PLN2990 PLN 7200 PLN
2 x Large batch750 PLN 1400 PLN2790 PLN 8400 PLN
Large lot + Medium lot600 PLN 1200 PLN2190 PLN 7200 PLN


Small lot: moustache, chin, sideburns, fingers
Medium part: bikini, underarms, calves, thighs, arms, forearms
Large area: abdomen, chest, back, legs, arms

     Treatment area     1 procedure     5 + 1 treatments
Small batch125 PLN 250 PLN590 PLN 1500 PLN
Medium batch300 PLN 600 PLN1290 PLN 3600 PLN
Large batch500 PLN 800 PLN1990 PLN 4800 PLN
Whole body990 PLN 1700 PLN4290 PLN 10200 PLN
Back + Shoulders + Chest, As a gift: Armpits + Intimate areas750 PLN 1200 PLN3490 PLN 7200 PLN
2 x Large batch800 PLN 1600 PLN3190 PLN 9600 PLN
Large lot + Medium lot700 PLN 1400 PLNPLN 2590 8400 PLN
A package price applies for a booster treatment after 12 months

Small lot: moustache, chin, sideburns, fingers
Medium part: bikini, underarms, calves, thighs, arms, forearms
Large area: abdomen, chest, back, legs, arms

What is the procedure like?

Preparation for treatment

  • We determine skin phototype and hair thickness.
  • The cosmetologist applies a gel to the shaved skin, making the epilation procedure even more comfortable.

Permanent removal of hair follicles

  • We are launching TEC technology - Thermo Electric Cooling.
  • We apply the sapphire window head in IN Motion mode - that is, we gently move the head over the treatment area.

Is "Automatic parameter selection" really important?

W Prime 3D the selection of parameters is very intuitive and based on data confirmed by clinical studiesto make depilation as effective as possible. Determine skin colour/phototype, colour and thickness of the hair. 

By contrast, other lasers have, for example, a 'magic' Skintell reader (which examines the level of active melanin in the patient's skin and selects treatment parameters on this basis). Unfortunately, this device can only be considered as a gadgetbecause the parameters it selects have little to do with the actual state of the skin. On tanned skin/pigmentation may not work well enough// strong.

It is therefore becoming crucial clinic staff. He or she must be able to choose the right parameters that will be most effective in your case. Every c1TP4Person is different and individual approach to the patient becomes crucial if we want to have real effects

It's The cosmetologist determines clinical aspects (skin phototype, hair colour and thickness), while selection of technical parameters (fluence and pulse duration) is carried out automatically by the embedded software, while allowing changes to be made parameters by Wellclinic staff.

Painless laser hair removal opinions

Make an appointment for laser hair removal treatment

What are the results of a laser hair removal treatment at Wellclinic?

  • Smooth and shiny skin after just a few treatments
  • No ingrown hairs
  • Sustainable hair removal for many years
  • No more inflammation of the hair follicles
  • Even 30% less hair after the first treatment

Advantages of laser hair removal in Wellclinic

  • Ultra modern laser combining the latest technologies in painlessness and efficiency
  • Effective for all types of hair thanks to 3 laser waves operating at the same time
  • 2x faster results: 5-6 treatments instead of 10
  • Safety proven by clinical studies, FDA certification)
  • Painlessness through technology: IN Motion, TEC Thermo Electric Cooling

Price list for laser hair removal

Discount to 40% only until 10.03

Whole body from 790 zł!

     Treatment area     1 procedure     5 + 1 treatments
Small batch100 PLN 200 PLN450 PLN 1200 PLN
Medium batch250 PLN 500 PLN990 PLN 3000 PLN
Large batch400 PLN 700 PLN1590 PLN 4200 PLN
Whole body790 PLN 1500 PLN3990 PLN 9000 PLN
Legs + Underarms + Bikini, As a gift: Legs + Bikini650 PLN 1200 PLN2990 PLN 7200 PLN
2 x Large batch750 PLN 1400 PLN2790 PLN 8400 PLN
Large lot + Medium lot600 PLN 1200 PLN2190 PLN 7200 PLN


Small lot: moustache, chin, sideburns, fingers
Medium part: bikini, underarms, calves, thighs, arms, forearms
Large area: abdomen, chest, back, legs, arms

     Treatment area     1 procedure     5 + 1 treatments
Small batch125 PLN 250 PLN590 PLN 1500 PLN
Medium batch300 PLN 600 PLN1290 PLN 3600 PLN
Large batch500 PLN 800 PLN1990 PLN 4800 PLN
Whole body990 PLN 1700 PLN4290 PLN 10200 PLN
Back + Shoulders + Chest, As a gift: Armpits + Intimate areas750 PLN 1200 PLN3490 PLN 7200 PLN
2 x Large batch800 PLN 1600 PLN3190 PLN 9600 PLN
Large lot + Medium lot700 PLN 1400 PLNPLN 2590 8400 PLN
A package price applies for a booster treatment after 12 months

Small lot: moustache, chin, sideburns, fingers
Medium part: bikini, underarms, calves, thighs, arms, forearms
Large area: abdomen, chest, back, legs, arms

Frequently asked questions

  • Remember not to perform deep peels for 3 months before the treatment.
  • It is best not to tan the skin 3 weeks before the treatment.
  • Discontinue retinol medication six months before the procedure.
  • Stop drinking photosensitive herbs, e.g. St. John's wort, calendula, field horsetail, two weeks before the procedure.
  • The treatment area should be hair-free. We recommend shaving thoroughly the day before the treatment.
  • Best done one week before surgery fine peeling and later moisturise the skin daily. 

The first effect can be noticed after just one treatment. The hair becomes weaker and starts to fall out. During one series, it is possible to remove up to 30% of hair from a given treatment area. The best results can be obtained after completed a series of 5-8 treatments. Hair do not grow back even for several years. The effect is permanent and only one booster treatment per year is needed.

  • Pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding,
  • freshly tanned skin,
  • photosensitising drugs and herbs,
  • skin diseases,
  • skin infections,
  • dry and sensitive skin,
  • vitiligo,
  • a tendency to scarring,
  • steroid therapy,
  • accatan - 6 months previously completed therapy,
  • impaired blood clotting,
  • blood-thinning drugs,
  • epilepsy,
  • cancer,
  • implanted pacemaker,
  • hormonal and endocrine diseases,
  • HIV, hepatitis,
  • active autoimmune diseases, e.g. systemic lupus, scleroderma,
  • do not consume alcohol 24 hours before the treatment,
  • do not pluck hair at the treatment site 2 weeks prior to treatment,
  • do not use peelings 4 weeks before the treatment.

The treatment is comfortable and completely painless thanks to the state-of-the-art TEC Thermo Electric Cooling system, which minimises the treatment sensation. It is a system that allows maximum cooling of the laser head even to -8 degrees.

The treated skin should not be tanned for approximately 4 weeks. It is recommended to additionally protect the skin with a protective cream with UVA/UVB filter. Hot baths, saunas and swimming pools should be avoided for a few days after laser hair removal. No scrubs or alcohol-based irritants should be used on the epilated skin. 

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