
Side effects of facial volumetrics

side effects of volumetrics

Volumetrics is a facial contouring procedure. It involves the injection of a hyaluronic acid preparation under the skin. The effect of the substance is a significant smoothing of the complexion, reduction of wrinkles and restoration of a slim facial oval. The therapy closes in one treatment, and after 6 months it is recommended to perform a repeat of the volumetrics, which will consolidate and perfect the previously obtained results.

Why do I snore?


Snoring is an uncomfortable phenomenon that literally keeps us awake at night. It is worth knowing its cause - sometimes snoring is a symptom of sleep apnoea, which can lead to hypoxia during sleep. Snoring is nothing more than an obstruction in the flow of air through the throat. It arises as a result of muscle relaxation and consequent descent of the soft palate. We most commonly associate such symptoms [...].

Facial modelling with hyaluronic acid

facial modelling with hyaluronic acid

Tightened and visually rejuvenated facial skin is an effect often sought by clients of aesthetic medicine practices. The correction of facial areas with hyaluronic acid, professionally known as volumetrics or facial modelling, is a procedure that achieves a lifting result. It is a procedure recommended for people who want to contour their face more strongly and without the help of a surgeon. Hyaluronic acid allows [...].

Volumetrics or mesotherapy?

volumetrics and mesotherapy

Facial volumetrics and mesotherapy are treatments developed from the action of hyaluronic acid. Although they seemingly rely on the same regimen, their effects differ. Hyaluronic acid is an ingredient that occurs naturally in the człowie body as a sodium salt. For this reason, aesthetic medicine has readily absorbed it into its methods, as a preparation with a high concentration of acid [...]

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