Permanent removal of cellulite It is not just the dream of many women. It is primarily a process to reduce cellulite and smooth the skin on different parts of the body. Cellulite on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms can cause discomfort and affect self-esteem.
Home remedies for cellulite, such as massages or creams, often do not have the desired effect. So how do you get rid of cellulite?
Aesthetic medicine offers different types of treatments for cellulite. One popular solution can be endermologie. Patients who use this method must expect frequent office visits and long-term therapy. Cosmetologists do not guarantee that endermassage will achieve permanent cellulite removal.
The 'orange peel' visible on the body is caused by an uneven distribution of fat, water and metabolic products under the skin. Its effective smoothing may require a combination of different medical technologies. In reputable medical clinics, a variety of techniques and technologies are used for this purpose, as well as combination therapies. An example of an advanced technological solution is BTL Unison, which combines radio waves and acoustic waves in a single treatment. Their synergistic action is designed to firm the skin and improve its structure, treating cellulite regardless of its type, such as water cellulite.
As part of the therapy, Wellclinic doctors and cosmetologists offer a comprehensive approachby supporting patients in lifestyle modifications. Adequate skin care, as well as physical exercise, is not insignificant in improving the condition of the skin..
Wellclinic brings together the best doctors, cosmetologists and clinical nutritionists to achieve health and youthfulness in you.
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BTL's research has shown that for optimum results, a series of 4 treatments should be carried out, preferably at weekly intervals, also permissible every 3-10 days. This is a very short treatment compared to other series dedicated to the body, where up to 10 - 15 treatments are recommended to get rid of imperfections. However, if the problem is advanced (e.g. advanced cellulite), you must expect additional treatments to be recommended.
The effects are usually visible after the first treatment.
Your skin will be red for a while at the treatment site. This means that the tissues have reached the right temperature and the intensive slimming and firming process has begun in your body. The erythema will only last for a few dozen minutes. And this is completely normal. Continue to hydrate for 4 days after your treatment, drinking a minimum of 2 litres of water every day. This will give you better results, your body will get rid of the released fat and toxins faster. Your skin may be dry after the treatment, moisturise with a standard body lotion. You will be told about this at the clinic. In rare cases, you may experience slight itching of the skin and, in susceptible people, small haematomas or petechiae, which disappear after a few days.
For its effectiveness, we rate the treatment as very comfortable compared to other similar treatments. Only heat and gentle vibrations are felt. As the treatment does not require convalescence, you can return to your daily activities immediately afterwards. As a result, this treatment can even be performed on a break from work.
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Wellclinic Warsaw
ul. Kolejowa 49a/lok U9
01-210 Warsaw
Wellclinic Gdansk
23/U5 Walowa St.
80-858 Gdansk
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