
Laser liposuction

Discount 30% only until 20.02

Treatments from 700 PLN!

Tight Sculpting laser lipolysis

Immediate fat reduction effect. The world's first treatment to painless and without a period of convalescence slim down your body in 45 minutes.

What you can achieve with a weight loss treatment:

  • You will even lose weight 12cm of the waist circumference after one visit to the Wellclinic medical clinic.
  • You will remove fat from the abdomen, fatty tissue from the flanks, slim your thighs.
  • During one procedure, you lose weight and tighten your skin at the same time.
  • Looking stunning for an important upcoming event.
  • You will transform your appearance.
  • You will not waste time with ineffective methods, only you have the effect straight away.

Our effects can be seen in the photos

Customer reviews Wellclinic - ul. Kolejowa 49a/U9 Warsaw

Comfort of treatment:


Number of recommended treatments:

1 - 4 treatments

Technologies used:


Treatment time:

40 - 90 min

Booking an appointment at Wellclinic - 49a/U9 Kolejowa St. Warsaw


every 3 - 4 weeks

Areas of application:

flanks, abdomen, arms, thighs

Make an appointment for a Tight SculptingTM treatment - body contouring

What method is used to achieve this effect?

In medical practices Aesthetics you will encounter many technologies, more or less effective in the fight against resistant fatty tissue. A technology that is still frequently used is injection liposuctionwhich is the least effective and must be repeated in series. After the treatment, swelling and inflammation builds up, which usually excludes you from daily life for some time.

A more effective treatment than injectable liposuction is the cryolipolysis. The application of cold to a specific area of the body to remove resistant localised fat tissue produces results that are visible after several treatments. However, the process can be very unpleasant to feel and cause tenderness and swelling persisting for some time after the end of therapy. 

The most effective solution is surgical liposuction. It involves the removal of a significant amount of fat tissue from the abdominal area, thighs, flanks, breeches or arms in one go. One of the downsides of this effective procedure is the recovery period and frequent postoperative complications.  

What if you use ultra-modern TightSculpting™ technology and you will perform laser liposuction without breaking the skin and without pain?

Are you ready for results like after a surgical procedure without the recovery period?

Laser PHOTONA DYNAMIS SP is the most powerful combination of two technologies, the Nd: Yag and Er: Yag laser. The method is based on the synergistic complement of the light wavelengths of the two lasers, which ultimately results in fat reduction while firming the skin.

Compared to other weight loss treatments: CRIOLIPOLIZA e.g. Colltech, INJECTION LIPOSUCTION, LIPOSUCTION, after treatment with Fotona Tight Sculpting™ has no recovery period, no soreness, you can return to your daily activities straight away.

Price of laser lipolysis at Wellclinic

Discount 30% only until 20.02

Treatments from 700 PLN!

     Treatment area 1 TREATMENT 4 TREATMENTS
Belly 1300 PLN 990 PLN 5200 PLN 3490 PLN
Sides 1300 PLN 990 PLN 5200 PLN 3490 PLN
Thighs half inside/outside 1000 PLN 700 PLN 4000 PLN 2490 PLN

Liposuction, cryolipolysis, laser liposuction,...
What to choose?

What is the procedure like?

The treatment consists of two stages:

1. fat reduction

First stage is performed with an Nd:Yag laser. The long laser pulses reduce fat tissue and firm the deeper structures of the skin. The treatment is performed using a special scanner that applies energy quickly and precisely, while constantly controlling the temperature on the skin's surface.

2. tightening and smoothing the skin

Second stage is also performed using a scanner, but with an Er:Yag laser, which is designed to skin firming with its smoothing.

W WellClinic This treatment is always preceded by a detailed health history of the patient and the exclusion of possible contraindications. The skin is then cleansed and disinfected. To minimise discomfort and pain sensations, the skin is cooled at all times with a special cooler. The procedure takes approximately 20-40 minutes depending on the treatment area.

Make an appointment for a Tight SculptingTM treatment - body contouring

What are the results of the Tight Sculpting™ body contouring treatment?

  • The effects are almost immediate.
  • The first visible results are immediately after the treatment, losing up to 7cm in circumference.
  • Clinical studies show that the best results are achieved after 3-4 treatments, losing even up to 25 cm in circumference. Skin tone and firmness increases after the first treatment. Fotona Tight Sculpting reduces localised cellulite.
Photo of the treatment

The advantage of Tight Sculpting™

  • Small number of treatments - to achieve the expected effect 1-4 treatments.
  • The treatment is pleasant to feel - heat is felt during the treatment.
  • Treatment time and location Wellclinic allows you to pop in during your lunch break.
  • No recovery period.
  • Ultra-modern technology.
  • Objectively proven effectiveness (clinical trials, FDA certification).
  • Safety.

Treatment film

Price list of Tight Sculpting

Discount 30% only until 20.02

Treatments from 700 PLN!

     Treatment area 1 TREATMENT 4 TREATMENTS
Belly 1300 PLN 990 PLN 5200 PLN 3490 PLN
Sides 1300 PLN 990 PLN 5200 PLN 3490 PLN
Thighs half inside/outside 1000 PLN 700 PLN 4000 PLN 2490 PLN

Make an appointment for a Tight SculptingTM treatment - body contouring

Frequently asked questions

Do not tan your skin for at least two weeks prior to the appointment.  

Carefully read the contraindications so that you can properly prepare for the treatment, exclude inadvisable cosmetics, dietary supplements, medicines and herbs. Remember not to drink alcohol 25 h before the treatment. Do not pluck hair in the treatment area at least 2 wks before the treatment, and abstain from peelings of the areas to be treated 4 weeks beforehand.

After treatment, the skin should be protected from UV radiation with 50+ SPF creams for a minimum of one month. Top quality creams are available at our Clinic.

You will notice the first effects immediately after the treatment. You will lose up to 5 cm in circumference. Clinical studies show that the best results are achieved after 3-4 treatments losing up to 15 cm in circumference without a strict diet. In addition, an ultrasound study has shown a significant reduction in body fat after just one session.

  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding,
  • freshly tanned skin,
  • photosensitising drugs and herbs,
  • skin diseases,
  • skin infections,
  • dry and sensitive skin,
  • vitiligo,
  • a tendency to scarring,
  • steroid therapy,
  • accatan - 6 months previously completed therapy,
  • impaired blood clotting,
  • blood-thinning drugs,
  • epilepsy,
  • cancer,
  • implanted pacemaker,
  • hormonal and endocrine diseases,
  • HIV, hepatitis,
  • active autoimmune diseases, e.g. systemic lupus, scleroderma,

Unlike liposuction, this procedure does not require anaesthesia and we can even say that it is pleasant. We have equipped our laser with a state-of-the-art cooling system for the treatment area, so it is additionally anaesthetised with cold.

  • do not tan the skin for a fortnight after treatment;
  • do not go to the sauna for 14 days after treatment;
  • intense exercise on the day of treatment is not recommended;
  • Do not apply cosmetics with alcohol to the skin on the day of treatment;
  • the skin should be oiled after treatment.

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