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Programme for thighs and buttocks

Programme for thighs and buttocks

Programme for thighs and buttocks

The effect of slender thighs and firm buttocks does not have to be preceded by months of exercise. In our Wellclinic medical office, we run an effective thigh and buttock modelling programme, which is an excellent solution for quickly getting rid of unnecessary kilograms without surgical interference with the body. At Wellclinic, we use the innovative BTL Unison device - this is by far the most unrivalled technology on the market, allowing us to carry out a painless and permanent procedure. Surgical methods impose a long and unpleasant recovery period on patients. Fortunately, all those who choose treatments from Wellclinic's offer do not have to worry about this - our priority is safety, therefore we only use non-invasive methods of body modellingwhich are, as it turns out, much more effective.

BTL from Unison

The BTL device is a unique combination of monopolar radiofrequency and targeted acoustic in a single applicator. The synchronised delivery of cieplnej and mechanical energy used by BTL Unison causes structural changes in adipose tissue, as well as accelerating metabolism and improving skin elasticity. The effect after a weight-loss treatment is permanent and, after the treatment, does not require regular repeat appointments. After the treatment, the body looks younger and firmer and all signs of ageing and imperfections disappear along with the excess tissue.

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Thigh and buttock modelling - what can the treatment achieve?

The comprehensive action of the modelling programme at Wellclinic is not just about visual slimming. In addition to fat reduction, the BTL Unison technology allows you to emphasis on the buttock lineThe skin becomes taut and smooth and cellulite disappears irreversibly. The skin becomes tighter and smoother, and cellulite disappears irretrievably. If you dream of a smaller thigh circumference, the thigh and buttocks programme will make your dream come true.

Course of thigh and buttock shaping treatment

At Wellclinic, each treatment is preceded by a detailed health interview , thanks to which we can exclude possible contraindications - the treatment performed with BTL Unison technology has no risk of complications. Next, we subject the skin to disinfection, which prepares the body for further examination. The cosmetologist applies the handpiece to the skin and makes circular movements, during which the BTL Unison device emits radio and acoustic waves. The handpiece is constantly in contact with the fatty tissues - warming them up and mobilising the body to slim and firm the skin. To minimise discomfort, a special cooling head alleviates the sensation of heat throughout the treatment.

The next stage focuses on muscle building buttocks, during which a personalised treatment procedure is selected according to individual parameters and characteristics. It is worth noting that the proprietary thigh and buttock modelling programme has been developed by a staff of qualified cosmetologists, trainers and figure sports competitors. The commitment, input and experience of the clinic's specialists are of paramount importance and distinguish Wellclinic on the market.

The standard glute muscle-building phase lasts 30 minutes and consists of several steps that are intertwined. The first has a restorative effect - a series of fast rhythmic contractions. The second step, hypertrophy, is a constant stretching of the muscles lasting about 20 seconds each. After 30 minutes, we recommend that the client drinks a protein shake to replenish the amino acids in the muscles. The shake is included in the price of the treatment.

The effect of Brazilian buttocks can be encapsulated in a programme that lasts between 1 and 4 appointments. For the best appearance and longevity of the modelling therapy, a series of 3-4 treatments is recommended. The number given is not a must - it all depends on the client's needs and individual characteristics. Visits are repeated at a frequency of 3-7 days and the duration of one treatment is 40-70 minutes. The thigh and buttocks modelling treatment is a method that does not cause weight regain, mainly due to the acceleration of metabolism. Clients can enjoy a beautiful and slender silhouette for a long time and say goodbye to complexes once and for all.

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Wellclinic is a modern medical clinic whose mission is to provide comprehensive care for our clients. We care not only about appearance, but also about the well-being and health of those who come to us.
Wellclinic has ultra-modern equipment that is unrivalled in Poland. Suffice it to mention the latest model of Foton laser, which we have equipped with a dedicated anaesthetic system, thanks to which slimming or endolifting are completely painless. Our specialists effectively remove even active acne, hyperpigmentation, capillaries, scars, stretch marks and much more.
Further technologies include second-generation HIFU used for, among other things, slimming and tightening flabby skin. Prime3D laser, which makes hair removal not only easy and fast, but more permanent and, thanks to TEC technology, painless.

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