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What is a raw food diet?

What is a raw food diet?

What is a raw food diet?

Increasingly popular is the the way to slim down in the form of a raw food diet. According to its promoters, it is a way to live in harmony with nature, but also to rejuvenate the body by shedding excess weight. The raw food diet is associated with the 'Rejuvenating Raw' project. It is a slogan initiated by a couple who had been searching for many years for a way to live in health and harmony. The couple tested many diets. The breakthrough turned out to be Vitarianism. What does this type of nutrition consist of?

The raw food diet: what does it consist of?

A raw food diet is eating in the spirit of Vitarianism, which, according to those who follow it, rejuvenates the body and heals the soul. Witarianism is the eating of plant products without heat treatment. A rawitarian diet excludes animal products and only eats raw fruit and vegetables as well as cold-pressed seeds, seeds and oils. According to witarians, high temperatures kill the enzymes and minerals in plants, and heat treatment above 48 degrees Celsius causes proteins to shear and food to die. The raw food diet promotes the idea that the cells of the human body are only able to assimilate what is natural. Therefore, everything important for the body is provided by raw fruit and vegetables.

The raw food diet: what are its benefits?

Above all, a raw diet cleanses the body well and makes the following slimming down the body. However, it is also a very restrictive diet, excluding many foods that can lead to deficiencies in the body. According to specialists, not everyone can use it, so it is essential to consult your doctor before you switch to it.

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How do you balance a good diet with health?

Not everyone, for health reasons, can go even briefly on such a harsh and exclusionary diet as one based on raw fruit and vegetables. Many people undertake a raw food diet for rapid weight loss. This is wrong thinking - złe matching calorie values to the body's BMI can be associated with malnutrition and health problems. The weight loss process itself can be supported by exercise or aesthetic medicine treatments. One effective and safe treatment is laser lipolysis.

During the procedure, the following takes place fat reductionfollowed by tightening and smoothing of the skin. You can see the effect already after the first treatment: you can lose up to 12 cm from your waist circumference. Lipolysis removes fat from the abdomen, flanks, slims the thighs and all this in a single treatment, without weeks of difficult and renunciation-filled dieting. Using laser liposuction treatment we push aside the issues of drastic dieting for a slim body and focus only on healthy eating. In this way, it is easier to gradually switch to the diet of the dietitian's choice.

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Wellclinic has ultra-modern equipment that is unrivalled in Poland. Suffice it to mention the latest model of Foton laser, which we have equipped with a dedicated anaesthetic system, thanks to which slimming or endolifting are completely painless. Our specialists effectively remove even active acne, hyperpigmentation, capillaries, scars, stretch marks and much more.
Further technologies include second-generation HIFU used for, among other things, slimming and tightening flabby skin. Prime3D laser, which makes hair removal not only easy and fast, but more permanent and, thanks to TEC technology, painless.

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