What does bikini laser hair removal look like?
Laser depilation intimate areas is a procedure that always causes a lot of anxiety before the first visit. When deciding to have the procedure performed in WellclinicYou can be sure that even before the treatment starts, an experienced specialist will dispel all your doubts in order to minimise the discomfort accompanying you at 100%. You will be given a special disposable underwear and, depending on the type of hair removal (deep bikini including the buttocks, so-called Brazilian bikini, or classic bikini), only a small part of your body will be exposed to the laser. Hair removal from intimate areas takes place in our Clinic with complete professionalism and the highest safety standards.
Bikini epilation - how to prepare?
Following certain pre-treatment guidelines can make a difference not only to your safety, but also to the final results of bikini laser hair removal. Bikini laser hair removal is a safe and painless procedure. However, remember to read the contraindications beforehand and make sure none apply to you:
- pregnancy and breastfeeding,
- taking photosensitising medicines and herbs, e.g. St. John's Wort or calendula,
- cancer or autoimmune diseases,
If you are in doubt before undergoing laser hair removal, it is worth consulting an experienced Specialist.
When you exclude any contraindications to laser hair removal and you decide to have the treatment, remember to prepare your skin properly. Avoid tanning the bikini zone at least one week beforehand. For quick and long-lasting results, avoid tanning beds during this time. The day before your appointment, take care to remove hair from the bikini zone. Preferably with a razor. Remember not to use waxing or tweezing.
How much laser bikini hair removal?
Bikini laser hair removal, using proven technology, makes it possible to completely remove unwanted hair permanently, or at least for several years. In order to enjoy a long-lasting effect, remember to prepare properly for the treatment and follow the Specialist's recommendations. One of the most important of these is the indicated treatment times. You already know what laser hair removal is all about. The laser energy only acts on the hair in the growth phase. In order to permanently get rid of hair from intimate areas, the procedure must be performed at the right time. How often should you epilate your bikini? Treatments should be repeated at intervals of approximately 6 weeks.
What are the costs of laser hair removal of the bikini area?
If you are looking for answers, what is the price of bikini laser hair removal, check the tab price list. Note that laser hair removal for men differs in treatment areas and their cost. Remember that the effectiveness of even the best technology, depends on the individual predisposition of the patient. The full cost of laser hair removal from intimate areas will depend on the length of treatment and the number of treatments performed. This means that it can vary not only by gender, but also by your individual predisposition.